So here are a few shots I've been collecting that were not related to Becky's visit.
One recent event is that Spring is here, which means the humidity and mold are too. I've been noticing it on my windowsill and then a few weeks back I noticed this in my drawer.
That's right, it's mold.
So then I figured I should pull the desk out and look behind it - and I found what I expected. Gross. I guess it's normal for this time of year and all I can really do is keep wiping it away, but I'm not thrilled.
In other news, I've been trying some new foods! Angie and Carol introduced me to a Vietnamese place nearby that makes these little treats for dessert. This is some kind of coconut pudding with a layer of sago (which is like tapioca) underneath, all wrapped in a special kind of leaf, which you don't eat. Yes, that's a kernel of corn on top. Yum!
February 22 was Angie's birthday (at least we think so, she's very secretive about it). We went to a place in our neighborhood and ordered the fish plate. That's a fried fish in the middle, with it's cooked meaty insides on the top and bottom in different sauces. Fried noodles underneath. YUM!
Then on the weekend, we went to HK to celebrate Angie's birthday some more. She wanted to get a proper steak and we found out that there's a Lawry's in HK. This was very exciting since it was her favorite steakhouse in SoCal. (Yes, I mean Lawry's like the seasoned salt. Did you know it was invented to be eaten on prime rib? I didn't.) I couldn't resist getting these little guys as an appetizer. So good. Honestly, what's better than cold shrimp cocktail?
An enormous rare steak, says Angie. Here she is with her dream meal.
I have to admit, it was pretty delicious. I had the California (smaller) cut, which was still huge, and mashed potatoes and gravy and Yorkshire pudding and creamed spinach and a glass of pinot noir. I was really full afterwards - ho bao, as we say in Cantonese.
Then afterward we met up with Angie's cousins and went out for dessert! Really really ho bao. At last we took the subway back to crash at our "4-person room". This is what you get when you like the cheapest person alive choose the accommodations. ;) We joked about it a lot, but in reality it was just fine. Cozy, but fine.

So, I've been looking for months for a box that's big enough to fit the lamp I bought back in December. I'm trying to plan ahead for shipping it home and due to it's size and shape, it was difficult to find something. So every time I walk past a store with broken down boxes out front I've been stopping to measure them. Finally, I found one. I had stopped at my favorite grocery store and saw this beauty out front. Taller than I needed, but the other dimensions were perfect. Plus, it still had the styrofoam packing materials inside, and it had cutout handles in the cardboard. Could not have been more perfect. All I had to do was get it home. So I picked it up, just like this, and started walking back the 4-5 blocks to my place. I had to stop and rest a few times, because it was awkward to walk while carrying it down all the little sidewalks full of people. I had to keep alternating between holding it off to the side so I could see, and moving it back to the front to let people pass. I'm sure every person on the way probably stared and said "chi-seen gweilo".

But who cares, because now my lamp is perfectly boxed and totally secure for the trip home! I love it when a plan comes together!
Last Friday the weather was so nice when I got out of work that I had to put on some sandals and go for a walk. Here's the proof.
And, last but not least, the photos you may have been waiting for.
yet (1)
My "I just let it dry however it wanted" pre-haircut hair.
Bye-bye long hair days, it's been fun.
yee (2)
Carol told the stylist that I wanted to keep my hair because I had joked about making it into a wig. I think this is only enough for a Barbie wig. It was funny watching the stylist try to explain to Carol (for me) that my cowlicks in the front were going to be a problem for the style I wanted. Yes, I'm well aware of what a problem they are.
saam (3)
Usually I leave my henna concoction on overnight, but I've never done my whole head before. After a couple hours the heat made it start dripping out from underneath my stocking cap, so I had to wash it out earlier than I intended. Luckily it still seemed to take just fine.
say (4)
Taadaa! Just like it was when I was 21, more or less. Not bad considering all I really did was finger-comb it the right direction when I first got out of the shower and then put in a little goop once it had dried. I'm already happier with it than I have been since I started experimenting in December. I think that's a good sign. It's still a little weird and I can't stop touching it, but overall I feel like it was a good choice. It was fun to see my students and coworkers' reactions throughout the day. Mostly it got favorable reviews. One boy told me it was "very beautiful". A+ for him. :)