Sunday, February 12, 2012


Ok, a couple of quick shoutouts before I continue the adventure.  Thanks Alicia for your thoughtful email/Skype suggestion and Gina for your awesome letter!  Who writes real letters anymore and on such cool stationary?  Thanks!!!  These both made my day.

Today was very productive - I got a bunch of grading done, squeezed in a pedicure and decided to eat ice cream for dinner.  Some days are just like that.  :)  I am going to pretend this is not so bad since I'm eating it Houdek-style: vanilla with bananas and peanuts (and chocolate syrup).  

Ok, so on with the story.  The next day we packed up for an overnight trip to Hong Kong. 

 Here we are just off the ferry.  (Rachel scolded me for making snide comments about my bangs, so just allow me to say instead that I'm trying to grow them out.  They won't always be like this.  Promise.)

First things first - brunch.  We're at Tsui Wah Restaurant, sitting at the tiniest table ever - there's barely enough room for the server to squeeze past me to get to the table behind us.  (But there was a line out the door so we took it.)  Why are we here?  For the toast.  See that yummy stuff in the center?  It's toast with butter and sweetened condensed milk.  So.  Good.  I know I could make this at home, but I don't, so I always get it when I come to HK.  Also, a porkchop bun and fries and milk tea.  Yum! 

Here's a nice view of the city from...

The Peak!  The Peak is short for Victoria Peak and is a small mountain-like hill in HK.  You can ride a tram up to the top and there are trails and shops and restaurants up there. 
(I just spent waaaaayyyy too long trying to figure out why I couldn't upload my videos here.  Finally realized it was because my new camera came preset to HD mode and they were ENORMOUS!  Of course now that I've reduced them to fit here they look much crappier. 
So sorry.)

This was one of the main walking trails.  Took us about an hour and a half to make the loop.

Trees and sunlight and good views - it's a hard combo to beat.

No idea what these are but I thought they looked interestingly creepy.

Testing out my camera settings on the hazy atmosphere.

Not sure what the point of this big flower is, but we saw a bunch of them.

There are many trees in the area with these carpet-like leafy plants growing all over them. 

Becky takes better tree pictures than I do, which is why I'm in so many of these.  This is another shot of her Indian Rubber Tree.

I really like this one.  Good shot Beck.

Another pan of the city...

And who can resist gelato after a nice walk?

Puttin' the smack down on Bruce Lee.

After taking the tram back to the hustle and bustle of downtown, we were strolling along past the big department stores when I spotted this Dali sculpture through the entryway.  It's titled Woman Aflame and it's huge!  And bronze!  (I love bronze.)  So cool and unexpected to see it there.  I wonder if all the Gucci stores have famous sculptures inside...

After checking out the sculpture we headed to the ferry terminal to take us to nearby Lamma Island, where we'd be staying for the night.


  1. Love all the photos! That tree with fruit, they looked like grapes or crab apples. You should have taken a knife to cut into them to see what they were like. Or, aren't you allowed to do that?
    Love those Indian Rubber Trees! Becky was holding a treat--gelato--what does it taste like? Looks like you had a great time together!
    aunt jackie

  2. Lovely pictures! What beautiful plants! You sure lucked out with nice weather too!

    Cool sculpture - a Dali? - woowoo!

    We had a nice weekend at home. I think we finally have mahjong all figured out. I really like it! I wonder if the people who didn't win every time like it too? ;)

    Love you!

    1. Rach: hahaha - nice. Now you just have to convince them to play for money. :) I'm glad it's a hit. Yeah, a Dali out of the blue - how lucky!
      love you too

      Jackie: The fruits were bigger than that - more like the size of regular apples. I was not near enough to pick one - I just zoomed in with my camera. Gelato is Italian-style ice cream. The fruit flavors have no cream, just fruit, ice and sugar; typically. It's delicious!

  3. The Peak looks like our cup of tea! We definitely would like to see it all... and all the foods you mention must be tried! I will have to do my botany homework before we get there.
    Becky spent some time pointing out places on her photos... but pretty much said everything you did together was worthy... so we are up for same. We will try to digest all the info you sent and hope to have plans nailed before long.
