Monday, February 27, 2012


Yikes!  I better work a little harder on this or I won't finish before my parents come!  (Which might be ok in theory, since you'll be seeing many of the same sights with them, but I gotta do justice to Becky's trip first.)

So after our adventures on Lamma, we spent the weekend relaxing in Macau.

On Saturday, we ate dim sum with Carol and Karen...

wandered around the Kun Iam Temple...

 had the famous fish and chips at the Old Taipa Tavern...

and went to laugh at the ridiculousness of the Venetian.
(This is a casino/hotel like the one in Vegas, complete with faux canals and gondoliers.  
If you've never been, this is indoors and is in the shopping mall area.)

 Then finally it was time for us to see The House of Dancing Water.  It's kind of a Cirque du Soleil type show, but the theme is all about water.  (Probably like O.)  It's getting rave reviews here so I'd been wanting to check it out.  It's being performed in the City of Dreams Hotel, which you can see behind Becky.

Here's a trailer for it - can't begin to describe it but it should give you some idea...

 It took us a while to wind our way through the hotel shops to find the performance venue.  We got to stop and check out this awesome dragon on the ceiling.

 And Becky was pleased to see her favorite masked man on display in this t-shirt shop.

We enjoyed some Godiva chocolates we'd gotten earlier while we waited for the doors to open.  They're dragon chocolates, naturally.

 Showtime!  Our seats were right up front in the "splash zone".  It was awesome - especially when these dudes weren't taping everything on their phones.  :)  This is how it looked before the show began.  That blue stuff?  You guessed it - slowly churning water.  They had a really cool effect going and kept projecting images of swimming fish over the surface.

 The show was incredible.  Not much of a plot, but I've come to expect that with modern dance.  The effects were amazing and the dancers/acrobats did things we couldn't believe!  This whole ship rose out of the pool and they were jumping off of it and doing tricks.  Unreal!  It was excellent - anyone who still has the chance to see it definitely should.

 Sunday we wandered around Guia Hill, which is a nice park near my place.  It has a lot of beautiful gardens and even a few animals.  Becky has a really great video of the monkeys that I wanted to include, but I can't download it from her Picasa site.  When I get it from her, I'll share it.

These cheesy topiaries always make me laugh.

 From the top of the hill we had a nice view of the city.  Hard to miss the Grand Lisboa and you can see Macau Tower in the background.

I love this big anchor.  Not sure why it's up there.

 The Guia Hill lighthouse.  You can see this baby from all over Macau.  That concludes another fun couple of days! Coming up next - Lunar New Year festivities! (Finally)


  1. The show looks like it was amazing! Did you get very wet?

    You got some really great photos, as always. The one with the shrubbery attacking you just made me laugh and laugh and laugh!

    So, with the blog focus on Becky's trip - you haven't let us know how classes are going this semester? Is it smooth sailing this time around? And are you enjoying any spring weather yet? We're finally getting some winter weather - but I don't imagine it can last too long!

    Love you!

    1. Hi,
      No, not very wet. We were prepared to, but it wasn't bad. Each seat had a nice little towel and that would have been enough. Classes are going pretty well - I'm still not really getting stressed about them at all, which is great. I'm not sure where my extra time is going, because it seems I'm still very busy somehow, but I guess that's ok. I think spring has begun here, because suddenly it's much warmer and much wetter. Very humid and more rain. My windowsill mold garden is doing quite well. :)

  2. The House of Dancing Water looked like it would be lots of fun to see! I bet those 2 weeks of Becky being in Macau went by too quickly! Am sure you will have a wonderful time when your parents are there too!
    aunt jackie
