Monday, August 22, 2011


Drilling started promptly at 9 again today, so I got out of the house as fast as I could.  Went in to school and did some prep work for my classes and then had a couple of meetings.  One was my "Level 0" class, which is basically the lowest level we teach.  It was informative, but there's some office drama going on that we don't know about and so it's a little awkward to be aware that something is up and not know what.  We're working on finding out though.  Reminds me of when I started in the Meyer Lab.  :)

And speaking of jobs past, I also found out today that I'm teaching a second session of my Level 2 class.  It's from 6:30-8 at night and it's a class of lawyers.  I'm not totally sure why they're still in school if they already have their degrees, but I guess I'll find out.  They chose me for it due to my experience working as a legal assistant.  One teacher was hesitant though, and was concerned that the challenges of working with these students might make me jaded.  Hahahahahahahahaha!!!  Oh, Janice, if you only knew!  I assured them that having worked in a law firm for four years and then in academia for six, that I was already plenty jaded and they needn't worry.  So funny...

The other meeting was to prep us for proctoring the TOEFL, which is what we're doing tomorrow.  They use it as a placement test for all the students.  I think all we really have to do is walk the aisles and try to prevent cheating, but I need to get a good night's sleep regardless, so this is going to be a quickie.  Still have a lot to do to prepare for next week, but we're finally getting a grasp of everything we're responsible for.  By tomorrow night most of the pieces should fit together, or so I hope.

Anyway, by the time I got home I was starving and so I went out to try a pizza place I noticed a few days ago.  It was great!  I mean, I've had better pizza (ahem, Zachary's) but for China, it was awesome!  For only MOP85 I got a warm roll of garlic bread, pumpkin soup, a small pizza and a Coke.  And not just some crappy one topping pizza - you could choose from like a dozen.  Mine was salami, tomatoes, green peppers and mushrooms and they weren't stingy with the cheese at all!  (I realized while I was eating it that I haven't had any cheese since I arrived.  The horror, the horror!  Not real cheese, anyway.  There's a cheese-like product on the Egg McMuffin, I guess, but that hardly counts.)  So that place just gained a permanent spot on the rotation.

Now to find a good Indian place...


  1. It's nice that they are concerned for your emotional well being... it's about time you had a job without all the headaches of the past. xo

  2. Boo! - another class! Well, they were right in choosing you - I'm sure you can handle it. Hopefully you'll still have some time for yourself, though.

    Score with the cheese, dude! A land of little dairy frightens me.

  3. Yeah, I'm trying to make a point to get a little every day so I don't lose my dairy-processing abilities. Of all the diseases a person can get here, the one I'm most afraid of is lactose intolerance!

  4. That pizza sounds good, but sounds a little slimy? Like...say...salmon on a cold salad?

  5. Anonymous schnonomous. I know who you are. :) Glad you found the time to check in.
