Monday, December 19, 2011

You really are teachers...

 Allow me to begin by sharing our fantastic Christmas decorations.

Today was another lovely, relaxing day.  Beth and I got up for our usual Sunday breakfast and then I had a couple of Skype sessions with Rachel and my folks - always nice to catch up.  After that I wandered around getting wrapping paper and a few last minute gifts.  Luckily, inspiration finally struck and I got something for my brother-in-law that I find hilarious and think he might actually like.  Then it was time to take off for mass - I decided to try the Cathedral instead of my neighborhood church, even though it takes me about half an hour to walk there.  It was a very pretty church and packed - I think every single Filipino person in Macau was in attendance.  So we were cozy, but it was nice.  And they did sing O Come O Come Emanuel, which made me happy.  Got the deets for Midnight Mass, so Beth and I will be venturing out for that on Saturday. 

Enormous, huh?  Every seat was taken and there were people sitting in the alcoves and standing in the back as well.  They leave the doors open in back, so people can just wander in whenever - tourists included, since it's right off the tourist center.

They also had a really nice nativity in the square nearby.  This is the exact same Fontanini set I have at home - only enormous!  It was really cool to see it when I wasn't expecting it.

And I noticed this gem on my walk back home.  Enough already!!!

I also encountered this on my way home in Tap Seac Square, near our house.  
It was clearly a rehearsal for something big.  Impressive, eh? 

And that's not all, as I was walking away he changed gears and busted into "I'd like to teach the world to sing."  No joke.  I just turned around and stared. 

Once home I ate a quick dinner and then Amanda stopped by.  She still had dishes here from Thanksgiving, and she'd left a bottle of Bailey's "with a hint of coffee" as well.  She wanted to take it back for another occasion, which we didn't mind at all, but she was kind enough to hang out and share a glass with us first, and I must say, it's tasty.  In fact, I think I like it better than the original.  Thanks, Amanda!

After our nightcap, we settled in for projects and the first of the Harry Potter movies.  Beth expressed the desire to see the entire series in order, so I figured we might as well get started.  She's crocheting a baby blanket for a friend, and I wrapped gifts, so it was both fun and productive.  Just like the good old days in the art program.

And here's a parting view of our tree at night.  I'll concede that it's a little unusual, but it's very nice to see it twinkling away, regardless.  I like to think of us as the Charlie Browns of Macau.


  1. I LOVE the decorations! It is very creatively fabulous - perhaps something only teachers (and artists) could manage!

  2. Beautiful church! Worth the walk. It that pink guitar real or a pillow (looks like a pillow!)? Love Bailey's, but have never had a coffee one. I can't get the videos to work. Drew will be home on Thursday, so will see if he can make them work. Sounds like you are having a great time!
    aunt jackie

  3. Bailey + espresso + ice-cream = special!

  4. Jackie: the guitar is real. I think what you're seeing is a reflection of the padding they have it sitting on.

  5. Your apartment looks quite festive...definite glad tidings! Am happy the cathedral had carols and such a beautiful nativity scene! Yum Baileys... we are having some on hand for holidays, too. Sip sip! I usually lick out my glass... hee hee.
