Sunday, November 20, 2011

Proud as...

When I began blogging about my day, I couldn't help thinking about my Level 0 students - and this quote from A Christmas Carol sprang to mind.

I spent all day grading their video projects and am thrilled with what a great job they did.  It took all day because I had some technical difficulties getting them all on YouTube, and because I used the grading rubric from our head teacher.  Note to self: When a rubric is four pages long and requires a lot of math to complete, it quickly becomes a rubric I will never use again.

We studied advertising in our first unit and so that was the incentive for this project, but the main goal was to get them to practice writing (they had to turn in two drafts of an outline and a script or storyboard), teamwork, and speaking skills.  I think that considering this is probably the first group project like this they've ever done, English is a foreign language to them, and they have a ton of other schoolwork to do, they did an awesome job!  Ok, I'll stop bragging now and let you watch for yourselves.  Here's a link to our class blog - again, please don't post any comments on their page.  But you can feel free to put some here!  I recommend starting at the bottom (M4) and watching them in reverse order with Magic Note last.  (There are six in total.)  It might be a little anticlimactic otherwise.  Most of my favorite students really shine here - I'm drawn to the performers, as usual.

The only other things I did today of consequence were to put up the lovey fall window clings that I got from my parents and explore a new grocery store that Beth showed me.  It was great - had all kinds of Western stuff and it's only a few blocks away.  I've been doing my grocery shopping on my lunch break in Taipa, but it's hard on my shoulders to lug everything back up the hill and home on the bus.  So, I'll be doing more shopping here now I think.  Here are a couple shots of the decorations.  Now to reward myself with the first chapter of my new book before bed.  :)


  1. Those videos are great! What quirky students you have!

    It's very interesting to see the types of mistakes a foreigner learning the language makes...not the same as a child learning the language. It's also strange to see what kind of choices they make about subject matter and dialogue for their commercials. And even swearing! How bold!

    I hope you're having a great weekend and find some time for yourself!

  2. Yes, I thought that little curse was hilarious, especially since he's really shy. I should have mentioned that the assignment was for them to take one of the everyday objects I listed and come up with at least 3 creative uses for it. As for the language learning, it is interesting and a lot easier as a teacher if you understand their native language well enough to deduce why they're making those mistakes.

  3. I thought the ads were great! Especially like the Pepsi one & the bag one, but the others were very good too! In using English, as their 2nd language, were a few mistakes, but considering how difficult our language is, they did very well!
    aunt jackie

  4. Astounding!!! What a fun bunch! I can see why you are proud of them. And I can see why I am proud of you.

    Your windows look great... almost thought I was looking out on a Minnesota autumn!
