Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The goal

We're reviewing for the final exam in class right now and so to make it more fun I created a "football" game for my students.  It was the guys against the ladies and they had to answer vocabulary questions to advance.  To score a goal they had to fill in a sentence with missing articles and give me the rules for why they made their choices. 

If they did it correctly they got to hear this...

Busy day - I stayed late to help our Level 0 head teacher finish part of the final exam.  Because of that I didn't make it home in time to make potato toppers for Carol as I had planned.  So we went out for sushi instead at the place next to my house.

Tonkatsu, a.k.a. pork cutlet.  Pounded flat, breaded, and fried - with a sweet dipping sauce.  Decent, but Kat Garrison's version is better.

Salmon and cuttlefish sashimi.  Yum!!!  We also got edamame, miso soup and a spider roll.  (Don't worry, this is a kind of softshell crab roll.  Even the Chinese don't eat spiders, as far as I know.)

The best part of dinner was the lesson.  During my food court experience earlier this week it occurred to me that I should know how to swear in Cantonese, if I learn nothing else while I'm here.  A little tribute to Firefly, even though I think they swore in Mandarin.  So she gave me all the goods over dinner, but sometimes had to lower her voice way down so we wouldn't offend the other patrons.  At one point she said the waitress was giving her strange looks, so we took a break.  It was hilarious.  The Chinese have some awesome curses.  My personal favorite translates to this in English: "So many people die, why don't you?"  You can also use "deadly" as a way to add emphasis - like "deadly stupid" or "deadly asshole".  These are gonna come in handy, I can just tell.

Thanks Carol!


  1. HAAA!!! Love the curses! I hope I can remember to use them! (speaking of goals, eh?)

    I always enjoyed end of semester review games. Nothing like boys against girls to bring out the feistiness in everyone!

  2. Food looked interesting & good! Yes, I agree, you have to learn swear words in another language. Then, you can use them on others that don't know the language & they don't know you have cursed at them.
    aunt jackie
    p.s. Did the girls win or did the boys?

  3. Foreign curses... lesson plan fodder.

  4. Rach: Yes, I'll have to teach you some Cantonese when I get back for when we're at the mall. ;)

    Jackie: The boys won, 2-1.
