Thursday, September 15, 2011

And the birthday continues...

I'd like to start today's blog with a photo that someone (Amanda, I think) took at my birthday party and I just got off Facebook today.

It's a little easier to see than the other one I posted, plus we're still wearing the party hats Karen provided.  Pictured L to R are Azita, Angie, Moi, Chris, Monica, Miranda, and Karen.

Mmmm, just thinking about it makes me want to go back for Indian tomorrow.  Or even right now.

I did get to try some new tasty food today, though.  Sumi, (who was pictured in a previous post at Old Taipa Tavern), likes Malaysian food and knows the owner of a Malaysian restaurant in Taipa.  When she found out Angie is Malaysian, she offered to take us there for lunch.  We were joined by Teresa and Carol as well and it was a lovely meal.  I had the Yin Yang noodles (the yin is the fried noodles and the yang is the crunchy noodles beneath) and a cold iced coffee drink.  Yum and Yum.  The noodles also had choy sum and shrimp and tofu in a white-ish sauce.

After lunch I worked for a few hours and then went back to the Senado Square area in Macau to pick up a birthday package from my parents!  While I was down there I passed this enormous structure still up from the Mid-Autumn Festival.  It lights up inside like all the other decorations around town. 

I saw a smaller one with its lights on in the week leading up to the festival - pretty cool.  
So here are the contents of my box - a new red cardigan, maps (including a snowmobile trail map of Itasca county), chocolate pudding mix, a new lunchbag made out of wetsuit fabric, a laminated copy of my photomosaic, two reference charts - one on ESL grammar and another on philosophy, a very sweet card designed by Maya Angelou and some markers that write on glass.  I'd never seen markers like these before and they are pretty cool.  If we'd had these back in high school, we'd have won the Christmas window decorating competition hands down.
 I tried out the markers and they work very well.  I tried them both here, on my bedroom window, and also on Angie's bedroom windows because she was out when I opened them.  I left her a little surprise drawing.  :) 

Luckily she is a good sport.

The markers are also good for writing on other things, like fabric.  This is convenient because I bought some pants in HK that I need to hem.  Who'd have thought that would be necessary in Asia?  But they came in "short" or "long" and the former were a little too short, so hence the hemming.  A fellow teacher is going to lend me her sewing machine tomorrow, so I spent some time this evening getting them all measured and cut and pinned.  My white glass marker worked like a charm!  I also went out wandering at random looking for pins and thread and found some that matches really well!  Yay for my unconscious and it's ability to find crazy stuff like that.  (It's the same technique I use to play paper-rock-scissors, and I'm fairly hard to beat.)  I also stumbled across a totally great art supply store.  Always good to know where one is, just in case the mood strikes. 


  1. Woohoo - cute sweater! I'm curious about how long the package took to get there.

    You'll have to challenge Elloise to a paper-rock-scissors match when you get home. She thinks that game is a hoot!

  2. Whew... glad the package finally made it... told you it was crazy! Knew you said you wanted maps... but didn't know/remember that you had some already... der. And then you finding pudding after your request for a shipment... oh well, now you'll never run out. Yay. Hope the sweater suits you and glad the markers were a hit. Every day is a party! (My latest motto)

  3. Rach: Just checked the box. It was postmarked on 9/1 and I got the notice in my box on 9/13 or 14, I can't remember which.

    Mom: No need to explain or apologize. As I said, I thought it was great. Put up two of the maps in my office today. Gonna make pudding this WE.
