Wednesday, September 14, 2011

La Cucaracha

So tonight I'm sharing the blog limelight with my housemates.  Not Beth and Angie, but the ones that come out at night and crawl around the kitchen.  Yes, we have cockroaches.  This guy to the right is one of the bigger ones I've seen and the second who has dared enter my room.  (Or at least the second to get caught.)  It's pretty easy to tell when one of us has spotted a cockroach.  If you see me slowly creeping with a plastic cup and a piece of cardboard in hand, I'm probably on the hunt.  (I practice catch and release.)  If Beth finds one, you can expect loud slamming noises.  (She uses her shoe.)  Angie usually just screams and runs into another room.  I have to say, compared to the bugs back home, these guys are pretty easy to live with.  In MN you have to worry about getting bitten by everything and in CA the ants will carry away anything that isn't double ziplocked.  These fellows just want to zoom around the kitchen after dark, which isn't too much to ask in my book.  If they're in my room though, they get chucked out the window.  If I can catch them, that is.  They are insanely fast.  I don't understand how anything can move that fast on leg power alone - it's amazing. 

Because I have the mind of a parrot, every single time I walk in to wash my bedtime snack dishes and see them running around I get this song back in my head.  If you've never heard it, these guys do a fun rendition.

Had a chill day today and got much less schoolwork done than I'd hoped.  Will have to work a little extra hard tomorrow.  Nothing too exciting happened - I went out wandering for a while in the late evening.  The weather was lovely, but a lot of things were closed because of the holiday, so I didn't get much accomplished.  I have a few more random pictures to share, however, and was waiting for a day like today.

This cool door pull was on one of the fancy stores in HK.

This restaurant has a good idea for storing utensils.

There is a dance studio on the 3rd floor of our building.  Cute little ballerinas in and out all the time!

These cobblestone pictures can be found in the walkways all over Macau.  This guy is my fav so far.


  1. Ug - fast bugs give me the willies! But I imagine most things a bug could throw at you would be tame compared to this summer's experiences.

  2. Your aunt, Luana, refused to return to Biloxi, MS because of the cockroaches. She HATED those creatures! Can't leave any food uncovered. Be careful to seal up your cereal. Delores, in SC, has those things too, but where she lives, they spray for those creatures. She gets one once in a great while. She doesn't care for them either.
    aunt jackie

  3. Um, yeah, tarantula inside my pants? I hope to God I never "top" that one. I may get harassed for saying this, but I actually think our roaches are a little bit cute. Not the huge ones, but we haven't had any of those. These smaller guys just scuttle around and wave their antennae at you. Nothing wrong with that.
