Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life in the U.S.A.

So I literally spent all day working on a PP presentation for the upcoming English Festival.  It's called "Life in the U.S.A." and Beth and Angie and I will all be talking about our state of choice.  So I've uploaded the presentation for you to enjoy.  Those of you from MN can correct or suggest anything I may have missed.  Sorry about the blank pages.  It can't handle video unless I upgrade to "Pro".  I have footage of ricing and a pow-wow and Al Linder doing a little fishing commercial.  Pretty awesome.  The prize for the students who can answer our questions at the end is lunch with the three of us at McDonald's. 


  1. Mom is concerned with your spelling of Scandinavian.

    Nice presentation - perhaps a little of your own sarcastic spin on some of the facts. :p But probably an accurate view of how most people see MN.

    Should be a fun festival!

  2. Today, the temp was only 52 with a north wind at 20 mph. Nasty! I love our summer, but our winters are way too cold & long! Wish the length of our winters could switch with our short months of summer! Remember that MN has some of the cleanest air too.
    aunt jackie

  3. The Spam museum is in Minnesota?! Get out! I'm planning a trip.

  4. Ha, the Spam museum was news to me too. I'm sure your students will enjoy the presentation. Although I agree that it has a bit of a sarcastic spin... such as your examples of MN "fashion" :)

  5. In all fairness to me, you can't really judge my tone without listening to the spoken part of the presentation. Fashion was one of the topics we were supposed to cover, but I thought it would be more interesting to talk about the kinds of clothing that we wear that people in other places don't. I was not, in any way, trying to imply that Minnesotans can't be fashionable. I'm going to illustrate my sense of American (MN) fashion by wearing some jeans and a t-shirt and my new red hoodie and some flipflops.
